Spain with Pau Lucio
Would you like to arrange your own wildlife holiday in Spain? If Honeyguide's holidays are not at the right time or right place, we are happy to suggest you contact Pau Lucio, who also organises and co-leads three of Honeyguide's various holidays in Spain.
Honeyguide holidays in Spain will continue, of course, though not to every part of Spain every year.
Pau is very experienced in the Honeyguide style, and is open to approaches to arrange a wildlife holiday of your choice in Spain.
Pau Lucio is an accredited and registered tour guide - as you have to be in Spain. For more information about holidays with Pau, visit Birdwatching Spain.
Pau Lucio in the Picos de Europa.
Suggestions for Spain with Pau
A Honeyguide destination such as Valencia or La Mancha at a different time of year.
Here are a few more ideas: better still, browse Pau's web pages.
Iberian lynx tour; Orchid tours;
Iberian lynx
Bird watching tour Valencia; Dragonflies in Valencia;
Butterflies and birds in Granada; Steppe birds of Alicante and Valencia.
Mirror orchids, Silene diclinis, Tolpis barbata, all from Valencia.
Next steps to your 'Spain with Pau' holiday
Holidays can be arranged in two ways.
1. You can contact Pau directly, make a plan and organise your own flights or other travel to Spain (we may be able to advise on how).
2. Contact us. We can book flights, it then becomes a small Honeyguide group, and your holiday is covered by Honeyguide's ATOL.
Pau Lucio: a brief biography
Pau lives near Valencia and runs a wildlife tour company Birdwatching Spain. He is involved in conservation projects on bird migration and the importance of Spanish coastal wetlands for species such as moustached and Savi’s warblers.
Pau has collaborated with SEO/Birdlife and spent nine months at the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge. He also works at a nature reserve where he guides visitors through the forest and marshes. Pau's vehicle with slender-billed gull design |